For almost 1 week I have been taking an English course using zoom. I never thought it will be normal to take an English course in a cheaper way. I do not need time to go to the English course ( Gas, makeup every day, changing clothes, throw 1 hour for driving time). I just need to spend 20 minutes using hijab ( maybe less in 1 hour) and open my laptop. Everything just so easy for me. My English teacher, he does not need to take or maybe spend money for house rent, chairs, or table to us. He just needs to preparing good material and good connection. There will be a new future. 😀
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Corruption part 2
So, I saw my corruption blog post draft. I curious why I'm so scared to write down about that?
Maybe because I really like and enjoy my toxic work 😊.
one month ago, I reported one of my coworker about fraud cases. She has stolen some money for the guard honor. not much. The total she has stolen is around 3000 USD. Its government funding. After we checked her name on google, she caught it because she trying to fraudulence some kids in her online shop. One month later after the cases finish, my office stopped my contract. I do not if it relates or not, but it hurt me so much. I feel useless and not compatible and the worst feeling is i feel not good enough. I don't know why, but still, it hurt me much.
There is a lot of corruption and nepotism and for someone who has no one, it's call suicide.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
I was born in a small town and raised by a religious family. especially my religious mom. Mom has a pure heart with thinking everything in black and white. Not in the between. Mom and Dad taught me to used my deepest heart, my emotion, and empathy.
You cant kill people
You cant steal
you cantyou cant
and they're made me think, how if people did the same?
to you, to your family
How if bad things happen to your loved one and it is the same thing you did to someone out there.
then my heart screams. My brain crying.
I cant
I can't imagine, looking for my family or my love sad, or crying, or disappointed.
Papua forest
Papua as part of Indonesia has the most biodiversity in the world. Papua has all hopes from Indonesia and the world as a virgin tropical forest. As a top focus development by Joko Widodo, deservedly developed in Papua has a principle in sustainable development. Forest has an important role in climate, freshwater, soil, and Bioversity which food security and other human life bases. Give attention to forests not only keeping human life in Indonesia but also the whole world. Indonesia's commitment for save Papua forest will give attention to the world about how serious Indonesia takes climate change and pairs agreement.
More than 50% Papua land is forest and it makes it close to human lives. Forest to Papua community is a mother and living kitchen which supply Papua livelihood. Looking for importance papua forest, papua developed should aimed green economy developed. Green economy focused on economic development acceleration and escalation human welfare without reducing the impact on the environment.
The green economy vision for Papua can be seen following:
1. Properly spatial planning
The proper sustainable development should have planning, design, construction, and maintenance with less erosion and deforestation.
2. local community engage
The local community not only for the subject program but also an innovator and contributor in Papua development planning. This can make strong sense ownership for Papua.
3. Ecotourism using local community
The local community not only for empowerment but also for initiator and contribution for every goal with a proposal. The expert direction, supervision, and government funding can be the human capital relationship between the community and their environment. the ecotourism development should be moving society with the identification of community influencers and stakeholders. Approaching public figures can make programs receive sooner in the community.
4. Live Monitoring for implementation land use management and forest management can use the newest technology along timely using satellite for looking land-use change. This monitoring should be done by national and the worldwide monitoring
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Saham and mindset
A few days ago, stock discussion fulfill on social media timeline.
Many friends trying to contact me and ask for suggestion how to start playing in stock world. Stock itself it is not something you can play with. This mindset made me to tell the first mindset about stock. Please, Stock is your money. We are not just seeing screen full of number but it is all about your money. And if you can not think wisely about how you manage your money, please stay away from stock market. If your stock can not give you money, who should take a responsibility?
When I started invest on market stock, I keep in my mind to think it's not trading. It is my money, who I got from one month working. I cannot be trader, I just put my money and its not a game. I used my cold money which folks said. Its farther money I used to live everyday. When I started, I feel the money is missing. I can not take it easily. I start since 2017 and never take it back until 2020 for pay my first property. Luckily, i have some lots BBCA. I bought in 23 rupiah and when i sell it in 28rupiah. Its the biggest achievement since i dive i stock market. BBCA never fall under 30 rupiah.
Stock, under economic expert recommended to take out after 3 years saving. I guess it is true. The example is, my mom in law buy BBRI in 2thousand rupiah. And she never sell it until now. how lucky. another reason, stock market have an administration to sell or buy stock. If you just playing in little bit money, it never be profitable.
In my opinion, the first thing you should realize is the mindset. Because if it about trend to make you jump to stock market it will be unprofitable.
What is your limit to your first property?
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