Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Today, Indonesia chaos


Today, Indonesia is in the worst case covid disaster ever. Everyone has been burnout facing this never-ending pandemic. everybody getting tired, surrender, and losing hope for tomorrow. We compete with each other to protect the loved one. We compete to protect our home. The government looks already confused and losing hope to cut down the number.

Death tool for covid reaches a peak in 1500 people in one day. The worst cases after country announce the pandemic. Every day, obituary had announced in mosques, social media, and WhatsApp groups. Obituary sounds weather report which no one cares about anymore. Not only old people with severe illness but also younger people in productive ages being death covid victim.  

Society has been sickly and starting to blow up. Governance did many stupid and incompetent acts, additionally, they showed up. 

Started with the president had given his duty to his minister and he (by himself) traveled and gave away groceries. There is not something commonly the president does. There is something too micromanagement for his class. It is all showed up in the media. In another case, one of the children from the covid lead has been honeymoon in Japan when their father trying all the things to stop the covid spread. Different stories, one of minister showing how his too busy watched soap opera on television and starting to tell all how his thinking about the story. The best thing for all the story is society pay our tax for stupid things. To watching how stupid and comedy develop our country. 

For all the problems we faced about the covid pandemic. It is all starts with the wrong step. 

From January until February 2020, Indonesia started with closed all fly from-to China. But some people spread issues about how we are still had flights from China. At that time, the government tried to save some Indonesian from Wuhan and give them all ceremonial welcoming parties. 

Did you know? Some ministers tried to hasty and injudicious acts to covid19. From the underestimate statements until underestimate health sectors. 

The governments forget about how big and characteristic Indonesian is. How people loved to catch up and gathering all types of events. 

The first strategic acts tried by Jakarta governor, He tried to propose to president to lockdown Jakarta area. Everybody laughed to him and connect him from political side. 

Indonesia has a basic and important law about quarantine. 

Article 55 paragraph 1 reads: During the Territorial Quarantine, the basic necessities of life for people and food for livestock in the quarantine area are the responsibility of the Central Government.

 This means the government should pay for the necessities of life for all people in quarantine areas. And what they said? They or the country do not have enough money to quarantine all people.

 Then, the government tried to PPKM or we can call it lockdown with not optimal effects. People have difficulties to go any kind of activities but the government can not guarantee their lives. People also have difficulties with flight but it is easier traveling use a car between PPKM. 

We all known, how hard to stop the spread of the covid in Indonesia because many reasons:

1. Lack of serious action from government at the beginning of covid

        The authority widespread idleness about covid. These were made most citizens think covid more look like influenza than something serious. 

2. hoax spread in easily way before the covid vaccine

3. people choose to die because covid than die because have no money

4. hurt truth: corruption in every part covid handling acts. 

5. lack of tracing 

6. Lack of health workers than patients

7. Bad data citizen. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

6 Months After Laying Off

 It has been 6 months after laying off. How I feel... 

I feel empty, useless, lost of dreams, lost of respect for myself, and lost of the meaning of life. I blame myself for everything I have through. I blame how I was incapable and also not good enough for myself. 

I don't have time or maybe I am not let myself grieve or crying like I used to. I don't have my Sophie in my side this time when I broke. like always, she always by my side to watch me cry. 

I lost my confidence

I lost feeling control myself 

I lost my professional identity

1 month after laying off. I believe it has been my fault. 2 months after laying off, I believe my boss got his karma. Three months after laying off, I believe I am not alone. Two my colleague has been laying off too. For 4 months I believe, someone who doesn't like me is the one who has responsibility for why I lost my job.  


Whatever happens in the past, still burns me inside. Whatever happens outside, I still can't control it. Nothing can change. I am still jobless. 

I was read helping mental health when someone losing their job. 

It is written, I should avoid beating myself up.  I should change the word and I should appreciate more for myself. But, how? how I can change the world if I feel so lost. I have no one who can cheer me up. Even I so realize happiness is under my control. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Stay at home mom

 I would talk about how women keeping their dream for her family. 

When you decide to get married, you know everything about compromise. I have been at home since 6 months ago. As someone who can't stay at home before and always keeping me busy in my job, I never thought I will be a stay-at-home mom. 

from research stay-at-home moms likely to get depression than working moms. 

never been in my mind, I will stay at home and compromise with a man. I never think about that. Then, everything has changed. I love him more than my dream. Love changed someone. Sometimes I get worried and asking too many questions about my decision. I was afraid if one day he will let me down. However, I tried to believe in him. 

Today, I am expecting my first baby, our first baby. He/she still in my womb, growing healthy as we wish. As a new mom, I always happy and scared at the same time. People keep telling me how motherhood is, and I think I feel it now. once again, love changed someone. 

What is your limit to your first property?

 Life becomes insane. Everybody just realized climate change.  Not too long for our democratic party. We faced a dearth of rice. Something w...