This article wrote at my commuter between Bogor - Jakarta. I was looking for my interest, my passion, and my expertise.
Maybe one day, my kids will be find this blog and realize how they mum cant find her interest until her 26 years old.
I was search in google about How to know your interest and expertise.
And i still confuse.
One good article showed me, if interest and expertise not something you can find it. But something you can create it. If you lucky enough, you can find several fields. If you luckier, maybe you can fit everything you want to with your workplace.
I was graduate from development studies. Its something you learn how to build communities, city, regionals or maybe a city. Many component at city and region things.
Since 10 years old, i was find myself enjoy environment or wild life things. I really enjoy myself knowing problem in some region and trying to understand how to solve it.
But i still thinking, am i good enough to be green city planner?